Saturday, December 28, 2013

The love that binds us

Some say we protect that which we love....

...because when we love something, we take it into ourselves, and it somehow becomes part of us, to be sheltered and nurtured and cared for and helped.

Others say what we love will save us...

...because love for other creatures brings meaning and joy into our lives, rescuing us from aloneness in this world.

The works of video art embedded below speak to the oneness that connects life on earth, the love that binds us all in an intricate and ancient web of existence.

And, like love, they are heartbreaking in their beauty. If you do not tear up at least a little while viewing them, you are made of sterner stuff than I....

"The Awakening" is part of a dance, film and photography project for monarch butterfly conservation. I am happy to say they exceeded their initial Kickstarter funding goal a couple of days ago, but I'm sure there will be future opportunities to chip in.

I post it here in honor of the three monarchs I raised last summer.

Moving for Monarchs: The Awakening from Moving for Monarchs on Vimeo.

The "Ashes and Snow" video by Canadian filmmaker Gregory Colbert is described as "a poetic field study that depicts the world not as it is, but as it might be—a world in which the natural and artificial boundaries separating humans from other species do not exist. The viewing experience is one of wonder and contemplation, serenity, and hope."

A consecrated Earth is always the paradise I imagine--a kind of Eden, with humanity's relationship to the all the world's creatures restored--it would look a lot like this stunning film.

I don't even want to think about a world without Monarch butterflies, or polar bears, or gray wolves, or elephants, or bees. And yet, to turn a blind eye, to refuse to see what is happening and do nothing is unloving and wrong.

I do not know how it has happened that so many have forgotten that we--humans and all other living things--are all vital characters in an enduring love story old as time. Our well-being and survival are knitted together, blood, breath and bone...encoded in our genes in ways we cannot yet measure, yet that are nonetheless real as the love that binds us.


  1. When I first discovered your blog I read a good deal of the older posts and recall the ones about the monarchs and the way you'd raised some. That must have really been amazing experience to see them through that whole process; it always makes me feel more alive to take a part somehow in the experience of the world around us. I remember having carefully taken a honey bee from an apparently abandoned spiderweb and, with it perched on the end of my finger, I carefully removed each bit of web without harming the bee. It took about 40 minutes. After it rested for some time, it took off, and I was so glad. After that honey bees have been great friends of mine whenever I meet them.

    1. Really, it was one of the best things I've done in the past year, raising those monarchs. I love your honey bee story, what a kind person you are.
